Cablegate predictions

With the recent Russian invasion in Crimea this year, it was revealed that a wikileaks cable from a Ukrainian embassy had foreshadowed the instance dating all the way back to 2006.

This cable discloses that there was a “return of pro-Russian separatism in Crimea”  which could pose a real threat to Crimea’s “territorial integrity.”  According to the leaked report, pro-Russian forces were being funded by Moscow, and were systematically trying to increase tensions in Crimea. This report indicates that Russia has been trying to manipulate its way back into the territory and 2014 just so happened to be the year in which the straw broke the camel’s back so to say.

“While there has always been overwhelmingly pro-Russian sentiment in Crimea’s population, the beginning of systematic, organized efforts by pro-Russian groups backed by Russian money is a relatively new phenomenon, most Crimean observers claimed.” 

Why wasn’t this report taken more seriously at the time? Why didn’t the U.S. take actions to subdue Russia’s negative influence in Crimea earlier? Of course U.S.-Russian relations are very tense at the moment as a result of this invasion however it seems as though the military intervention in Crimea this year was all laid out, a ticking time bomb just lacking a specific detonation.